Thanks to all who attended our Open House on December 6th!

Cypress House Bakery


Thanks to all who attended our Open House on December 6th!


A reentry program for those previously incarcerated soon to open in downtown Scranton, Pennsylvania

Did you know...

…our country has the highest incarceration rate in the world, – with less than 5% of its population yet nearly 25% of its prisoners?

…in 2021, the newly released were unemployed at a rate of 27% – compared to the general unemployment rate of 6% that same year?

…mass incarceration is one of the most egregious examples of racial
discrimination in our country?

Cypress House at St. Luke’s seeks to offer a compassionate response to these injustices by offering apprenticeships in our soon-to-open post-prison re-entry bakery in downtown Scranton.