Thanks to all who attended our Open House on December 6th!

Our deepest thanks to you all!

Foundations and Major Gifts

Agape, Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit PA 
Becoming Beloved Community Grant 
Clergy Assurance Fund, Bishop Nichols, Diocese of Bethlehem
Episcopal Church Women, Diocese of Bethlehem 
Mr. Thomas W. Haas and Ms. Danielle M. Kravetz-Smida 
Hawk Foundation 
Innovative Impact Grant
Schwartz Mack Foundation 
Scranton Area Community Foundation
Spitz Foundation
TEC Grant, Clergy Assurance Fund 
Tighe Foundation
United Thank Offering (UTO)
Victory Noll Empowerment Grant
William Penn Foundation


The Rev’d Rebecca Barnes
Noel Adcroft
Rebecca Beal, Ph.D.
Dennis Birchall
Elizabeth Bonczar, Ph.D.
Denise A. Brown
The Rev’d Susan J. Butler
Richard Conaboy, Jr.
Anne Cianfichi
Sharon & Thomas Crandall
Marylou Divis
Donna Durland
Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem
Dorothy Escribano, Ph.D.
Paul Farin
Jim Fitzpatrick
Amy Fleming
Michael Foley
Susan Francetti
Edward Gahrmann
Merin & Robin George-Jacob
Spike Gillespie
Katherine Gilmartin
Teresa Grettano, Ph.D.
Susan Hall
Michael Hayes
Elizabeth Haynes
Jennifer Housel
Meredith Huveneers
Michael Jenkins, Ph.D.
Marie & Al Karam
Francis Kranick
Jacquelyn Kazoun
Sally Jones
Peter Karlovich
Jason Kavulich
Anthony Knopf
Diane Krauss
Michael Kunz
Adrien Lambert
Melissa Lavery
Ben Levanduski
Barbara Little
David Lucas
Diane Lucas
Robert Mace
Sean Manns
Rebecca McLaughlin
Carol McMullen
Chaplain Wilfredo Medina
Todd Moffett
Lynn Moran
Albert R. Murray, Esq.
NEPA Golden Ticket Award
Sr. Terry O’Rourke, IHM
Eileen Occhipinti
Lorraine Parise
Nancy Patchen
Robert Peiffer, Ph.D.
H.D. Posegate
Ella Rayburn
Paul Raytick
James Redington
Brandon Reish
Pat Rooney
John Rowland
Cory Ruda
Susan Ruland
Rosann Santos
Rovena & Robert Schirling
Kathryn Selemba
Cathleen Shields
Molly Shields
Rose Smedes
Jeffrey G. Smith
Sal Sollami
Sharon Sollami
Susan Sollami
Elena Soto, Ph.D.
Carmel Ann Sperti, D.Min.
Miriam Spitzer
Ruth Sutton
Mimi Tilberry
The Rev‘d Earl & Helen Trygar
Bonita Urzen
The Hon. Thomas J. Vanaskie
Kathy Wallace
Vera Walline
The Rev. Canon William T. and
Frances D. Warn
William T. Warne II
David Wegner
James Wegner
Herbert & Deborah Wegner
Melissa Welshko-Williams
Ken Williamson
Jonathan Wilson
Richard Wilson
Annie R. Wolf
Helen M. Wolf, Ph.D.
Margaret & Erwin Wolf
Stefanie K. Wolf
Jillian Yevics
Phil Yevics, Ph.D.
Thomas Zurla